Immersion Excursions

Where we are going, we don’t need roads. The Bahamas is comprised of over 600 islands and is rich with culture and history. In this immersive experience we will travel to sacred sites and connect with the Lucayan ancestors who inhabited this land over 4000 years ago and the Eleutheran Adventures who shipwrecked in 1647. We will visit sacred sites and offer prayers of gratitude for freedom. Our intention is to create an immersive experience that allows us to connect with each element and integrate through elemental alignment.


There are very few places on this planet with more beautiful waters and beaches than the Bahamas. The island of Eleuthera is a hidden gem balanced between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. The waters provide a natural estuary for tropical fish and marine life. The beach house is located directly on the beach. We will be offering a guided snorkeling and kayaking adventure with the intention of observing the flow of life and allow us to deeply connect with our inner water element. This excursion will be led by Rob Webster, a trained lifeguard and snorkeling instructor.

Sapphire Cenote

Dive into a crystal clear blue hole of fresh water in the middle of the island. This oasis is an opportunity to float and relax!

Pink Sand Beaches

The beaches in the Bahamas are renowned for their pink hue that comes from the colorful corals off shore.

Glass Window Bridge

Witness the power of the Atlantic and the calm of the Caribbean colliding together. The balance of the energy is an example of harnessing our divine balance within. “As within, so without”


Travel into the belly of Mother Earth during a guided exploration into ancient limestone caves. The spirit of the Earth holds deep wisdom and we seek to commune with the energy of the land in a sacred way. Through a sound healing and om circle, we will infuse the power of the being grounded into our bodies, minds and spirit. We will be visiting 2 different cave systems during the week:

Preacher’s Cave : After traversing the Bermuda Triangle seeking religious freedom the Eleutheran Adventures crew shipwrecked on the devil’s backbone reef and sought refuge in this large limestone cave.

Chickcharney Cave: There is a legend in the Bahamas of leprechaun spirits that resemble a combination of owls and humans. There is a hidden cave not known by many where owls and bats live, that is a magical portal to a lost world.


Breathe in the love, exhale all that doesn’t serve you. Throughout the journey we will be activating our throat chakras and opening our channels for authentic communication through guided meditations and breathwork. The air we breathe is precious and so should our words be. Each night we will be blessed by live music provided by musical artists Sema Rae and Noah Proudfoot.


Follow the Sun! The Bahamas is still very warm and bright during November. Each night we will activate our pineal glands as we gather to witness the setting sun on the Caribbean Sea. Journeys will be illuminated by candlelight. The fire that burns within us will be stoked through radical self expression through song and estatic dance.


Do you believe in synchronicity? There are no coincidences. If you are reading this, its for a reason. Through the alignment of the elements we will unlock the next level, transcending the 3D world into an empowering state of observation and response. If you’re looking for divine direction just remember that… The water flows, the wind blows, the earth grows, the fire glows and SPIRIT knows.